Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Well it's been one week since michael has had his Mri scan, well we went back today to find out about the results which isn't the news we were hoping for, it showed up that the cyst has got alot bigger when means that michael will need another operation they are thinking next week the sooner the better, they are going to insert a small tube inside the cyst and they are thinking of connecting it to his vp shunt,so hopefully he won't be in hospital for that long. We will find out next thursday as to when he will have to have it

So I will have to watch him like a hawk if he starts getting sick, having headaches, and if his balance gets alot worse then I will have to take him down back down to hospital.

Other than that I have started to do something for myself which i should of started a long time ago, I have started going to the gym and I am loving it mind you it's hard work I also have a personal trainer which is even better thay even give you a massage at the end of each session, I have a long way to go before i see some real results. Well tomorrow I will be starting pilates which I have never tempted at before so that should be intresting I probably won't be able to walk the next day buy hey who cares


Blogger Chris said...

Sorry to hear the news with Michael Trish and like always we know he wil come through so hang in there chicki.

Gym hey well done and good luck with it all.

8/19/2006 6:59 pm  

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