Monday, January 29, 2007

TIme For a New Listing

Hi all haven't been in here for a long time, well first thing is that michael is much better now and we haven't had any problems @ all which is wonderfull lets hope it stays that way.

Well we had a great christmas down in Melbourne spent it with my aunt and uncle which was good besides the weather typical melbourne nearly didn't make it as the car wouldn't start but got it going thank goodness, new years was pretty good didn't go out.. now the kids start back at school on thursday time goes so fast once christmas and new years is over.

Haven't done any scrapping lately i'm going to get my butt into gear once the kids are back at school and start doing some i have to get started on my son's album as he turns 18 in May.

Well that's it for now not much else to say at the moment

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Well haven't been in lately as michael had his cyst removed about three weeks ago of course not without alot of drama first he had a bad reaction to four anesectic drugs which they had to bag him because he was that close of dying he had a bad reaction two years ago but each time it's differnet type of reaction they have nailed it down to four drug but thank goodness he came through it i don't know if i could cope that well without him it makes you appreciate your kids each moment of the day i thank god for getting us through anyway he went in at 2.00 that afternoon and didn't get to into theare till 4.45pm it was the longest day of my life i just knew something was wrong it was only suppose to be half and hour well he came through fine i looked at him in recovery and thought thank goodness you are still here and that i loved him and everything went acording to plan stayed in hospital for about a week , the operation itself went great they put in a small value to drain out the cyst and now his slowly on his feet and feeling heaps better, now we hope and pray that nothing else happens so we can get on with our lifes and no more operations.

We are also on the move we got approved for a three bedroom house here in bendigo for a commision which is great as i am only a single parent so some great news finally came our way seems things are looking up and to find some work would be even better.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Well it's been one week since michael has had his Mri scan, well we went back today to find out about the results which isn't the news we were hoping for, it showed up that the cyst has got alot bigger when means that michael will need another operation they are thinking next week the sooner the better, they are going to insert a small tube inside the cyst and they are thinking of connecting it to his vp shunt,so hopefully he won't be in hospital for that long. We will find out next thursday as to when he will have to have it

So I will have to watch him like a hawk if he starts getting sick, having headaches, and if his balance gets alot worse then I will have to take him down back down to hospital.

Other than that I have started to do something for myself which i should of started a long time ago, I have started going to the gym and I am loving it mind you it's hard work I also have a personal trainer which is even better thay even give you a massage at the end of each session, I have a long way to go before i see some real results. Well tomorrow I will be starting pilates which I have never tempted at before so that should be intresting I probably won't be able to walk the next day buy hey who cares

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Well this has been a bit of a busy week,we went down to melboure on tuesday as my eldest son michael who is 17 now has a Astrocytomas tumour on the brain he has had it since he was five years old. this is a slow growing one not cancerous and also has two vp shunt on each side of head for fluid build up.

He has had numerous operations as well as 8 months of chemotherphy in 2001 which wasn't good as it made him quiet sick, he has now finished his six week course of radioation treatment, he had to have it because he has a cyst inside the tumour which they can't do much about because where the tumour located , it's near the spial cord so they don't want to touch it they think the tumour has grown but not sure so that's why he had to go and have the radiation if not then they will have to insert a little tube for the cyst to drain out which means another operation, and he is now having trouble with his balance due to the medication he is on.

So next week we go and find out the results of the mri scan which won't show up much due to the swelling it will take at least 6 to 9 months for it to all go down, but at least i know that everything is going well he hasn't been at school for two weeks due to his balance and tiedness so we have a visting teacher who comes out and works with michael and at the moment we have a long way to go,so that's what i have been up to in the last few days till next week cerio

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Hi all and welcome to my very own blog. First of all let me start by telling you a little about me.

My name is Trish and I have 2 teenage boys Michael and Matthew. I am A SAHM at present and I am waiting to get back into the work force as soon as I can. I am a paper scrapper and am really want to get in to the digi side of things as soon as I can.

Please share my journey with me and bear with me and my blog as my good friend Chris (who happens to live next door) gets my blog up and running and tweaking here and there as needed and popping the links and blinkies in as she can. Thanks Chris.

That's all for now!!!